The modern history of France is full of contradictions of this kind.
In 1988, Roger Garaudy, a philosopher, was sentenced to prison for revealing the secrets of Israeli organizations. His book was The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics (in original French Les Mythes fondateurs de la politique israelienne).
In 2014, when Charlie Hebdo magazine freely insulted Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), French Minister of Interior Manuel Valls moved heaven and earth to imprison comedian Dieudonné M'bala for questioning the Holocaust and criticizing the Zionists’ crimes.
In 2018, Robert Faurisson Aitken (b. 2018), a history professor, was imprisoned on the same charges.
He investigated the gas chambers claimed to have existed in the labor concentration camps. He believes there is no evidence and even an image of the camps. Faurisson believed because the typhus microbe is contagious, the dead bodies – either of a Jew or a non-Jew – needed to be cremated.
He was sentenced to three months of prison and paying 7,500 euros in 2006 for a 2005-interview in which he had denied the holocaust. He was also repeatedly hurt and beaten by Jewish extremists.
There is also an interesting unanswered question: Why did the attackers of Charlie Hebdo attacked the magazine office and a Jewish market at the same time?
No one asked whether it was possible that the Zionist lobby that enjoys a great power in the French government and media had organized the assault to pass the buck to the Muslims and fan the flames of Islamophobia in France.
Another interesting fact was the participation of dictators in the protests in favor of freedom of speech after the 2015 attacks in France.
Just take a look at the pictures of the protests. Several of coup-designers and oppressors of freedom of speech rallying to support Charlie Hebdo.
Inquirers are in prison and dictators are walking.
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