The chairman of al-Nujaba’s political board, in an exclusive interview with IRNA, mentioned the cooperation between the heads of Arab states and those of Western countries on supporting Israel as the cause of violation of several international norms by this regime.
Hujjat al-Islam Ali al-Asaadi pointed to the US President Donald Trump as a figure who came to power because the world Zionist lobby needed him to close the case of Palestine and completes the Deal of the Century.
Referring to the inspirational influence of the wise leader of the Islamic Revolution on the Resistance Axis, he described the Quds day speech of the leader as “the roadmap for world liberals” and said, “The whole world is waiting for this day and speech so that they can know the future of the pivotal issue of Palestine better.”
The full text of the interview is as follows:
IRNA: What is your opinion about the massive violation of international laws and the UN Security Council’s resolutions by Israel?
Al-Asaadi: As a prelude to the answer to this question, I should note that all know that the Zionist Lobby, being active in all Western countries, especially in the US, has managed to control the most important decision-making centres of the world like the UN Security Council.
This has allowed the Zionist Regime to breach international resolutions absolutely freely, as it is sure that those in charge of such decision-making centres are trained by the world Zionism.
You see that they do nothing against the violations of the Zionist Regime; however, if some other countries even think of such a thing, all parties adopt positions against them.
IRNA: How do you assess the inactivity of heads of Arab states and their secret movements for establishing relationships with Tel Aviv?
Al-Asaadi: Most heads of Arab states-if not all of them- have reached power with the supports of the US and Israel, and thus, their ties with this regime are something natural.
This is the optimistic view towards their case-they are even possible to be executing the wants of the Zionist regime for destroying the Arabian-Islamic identity, plus the main issue of the Islam world, Palestine.
IRNA: Please analyse the continuation of the violation and occupation carried out with the supports of Trump for Israel, especially in the case of the “Deal of the Century”.
Al-Asaadi: As mentioned earlier, the Zionist Lobby is active in many countries, specifically in the US, and this lobby is the faction that has given the new Government, the stupid Trump, the power so that he completes the Deal of the Century; as he has some attributes needed by the Zionist Regime for closing the Palestine case.
Nonetheless, with Heaven’s help and with regard to the presence of brave combatants who have taken the oath to annihilate this Regime, the enemies will never meet their wants.
How do you evaluate the role of the supreme leader in the creation of the new Resistance discourse and increase of the power of the Resistance Axis for impacting the regional issues and fighting against the world arrogance in recent years?
Al-Asaadi: The supreme leader of the Revolution plays a pivotal part in all spheres of the political, economic and social life of the Resistance line, and specifically its revolutionary and ideological discourse.
IRNA: Hazrat Ayatollah Khamenei is the primary advocate of this Axis and the world liberal combatants have been inspired by his new ideas in resolving problems in all areas and for improving the spirit of sacrifice and the idea of promotion for standing against the plans of the world arrogance.
Thereby, we see that the Resistance Axis has significantly developed in recent years, and now, it s the front line of defence of the world oppressed groups and frustration of the US cruel plans, and certainly, what mentioned have been carried out using his guidance and illuminations.
What will be the significance and resonance of the next Friday speech (Quds day) of the supreme leader in the region and world? And with regard to the execution of the Deal of the Century and the Zionist Regime’s decision for attaching the West Bank to the occupied lands, what will be the effect of the said speech on the Resistance Axis and Palestinian combatants?
Al-Asaadi: The world liberals consider the supreme leader’s words as their roadmap, as the wise positions and views of the leader have long provided them with great confidence.
The accuracy and precision of the supreme leader’s words have been corroborated since a long time ago, as he is approved of by Heaven because of his sincerity and true faith.
Each speech of Ayatollah Khamenei, specifically those on the pivotal case of Palestine, presents some new and illuminating insights.
Each year on the world Quds day, determined by the founder of the Revolution, Imam Khomeini, we observe that the supreme leader deals with the issue analytically, besides, he encourages the world liberals-specially the Palestinian combatants- to be stable in their defence from their land and ideal.
Furthermore, we see that the whole world is waiting for this day and speech so that they can know the future of the pivotal case of Palestine better through the words provided by the supreme leader.
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