Speaking to IRNA, Shajareh referred to some governments' double standards with regard to terrorism, saying if such assassinations targeted white Europeans, the international community would certainly offer more concern.
One of the justifications in this regard is that the inhumane losses of these attacks are not considered but 100 percent of those who were killed are innocent.
Bringing peace in the world is another pretext, he added.
They claim that by killing terrorists, peace will be established but there is no witness for it, he noted.
In fact, we are facing a kind of chaos and destroying the civil society in areas like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria, he said adding that "we are seeing" more killing, destruction, and creating groups like ISIS.
Elsewhere in his remarks, Shajareh pointed to the assassination of General Soleimani by the US regime, saying he was a savior in the opinion of people in Iran, Iraq, Syria, and the world.
He noted that General Soleimani's funeral ceremony was the greatest one in the world.
The US measures are not based on creating stability and peace in the world, but it is exactly the opposite meaning that it was actually designed to create war, chaos, escalation of the conflict, and that is why this type of execution was done.
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