Forough Farrokhzad (pronounced FOR-ugh Far-ROHK-zad) was born in Tehran on December 29, 1934.
Her rise to fame was quite phenomenal if you realize her life story ended unexpectedly in a car crash on February 13, 1967.
Her catchy line 'Remember the flight for the bird is mortal' has been memorized by all the poetry lovers in Iran.
She started writing poetry at the young age of 14 and has been known as a poet written mostly in Nimaic style of poetry.
The Iranian artist created 5 poetry collections titled Asir (The Captive), Divar (The Wall), Osyan (The Rebel), Tavalodi Digar (Rebirth) and Iman Biavarim be Aghaz-e Fasl-e Sard (Let Us Believe in the Beginning of the Cold Season).
Commenting on the status of Farrokhzad in literature, Iranian contemporary poet Ahmad Shamlou believed that "the poems of Forough Farrokhzad are outstanding. They are somehow like miracle and she can be regarded as a distinguished poet. Usually, I have been dazzled by her lines".
An expert in Persian language and literature, Mohammad Reza Salimi believes that Forough tried to help women with achieving their mindset and emotional attitudes.
She played a key role in the creation of feminine poems in Iran, he pointed out.
No female poet had been able to express genuine emotions of women before Forough, Iranian expert underlined.
Her poems have been translated into various languages namely English, Turkish, Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish, Japanese and German.
She was laid to rest in Zahiroddoleh Cemetery in the north of Tehran.
Compiled by Tohid Mahmoudpour
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