The Iranian ambassador made the remarks in his speech to the 45th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council.
He criticized the EU states for the joint statement to the UN Human Rights Council about human rights situation in Iran.
“It is regrettable that a group of countries from the North feel entitled only to point finger selectively at other countries, tellingly almost all from the South, as if they are here only to preach on human rights forgetting about their own faults and overlooking the fact that much of calamities of today in many countries of the South are reminiscent of past colonial era and the continuing supremacist mindset demonstrated in today’s interference,” Baghaei Hamaneh said.
He said that this approach has only caused division and confrontation and reduced the human rights into a tool for political agendas.
“Rule of law is the bedrock for promotion and protection of human rights. Exerting pressure on sovereign countries in the name of human rights to change their domestic legal system or interference in judicial processes of other States are appallingly negating this principle.”
The ambassador also expressed concern over the gross and systematic violations of human rights of Palestinians under occupation as the most protracted human rights violations in the world.
“The UN Human Rights Council should not let brutalization and systematic racism by an apartheid occupying regime whose very existence is based on terrorism and aggression in West Asia become normalized,” he said.
Reporting by: Ahmad Mohammadi
Edited by: Safar Sarabi
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