Undoubtedly, Hatami said in a message, the crime once again firmly disclosed the evil nature of the US and proved its support for terrorists in the region and Iraq.
He said those whose masterminded the terrorist act and those who carried it out will face a crushing response.
He also condoled with Supreme Leader, IRGC family and family of General Soleimani.
Meanwhile earlier, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said harsh and severe revenge is awaiting the criminals.
The martyred IRGC commander and Al-Mohandes were separately leaving Baghdad airport in two cars early Friday morning when they were targeted and assassinated.
Major General Soleimini is said to have arrived at the airport from Lebanon.
Iraqi media said the US helicopters targeted both cars.
The assassination stands at top of news in Iraq, the region and the whole world.
The IRGC confirmed the martyrdom of the great commander in a statement.
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