The full text of the report written by the journalist is as follows:
Since the inception of the coronavirus disease, controlling the spread of this lethal virus has been the first and foremost task for the Chinese government. From the end of the Chinese Spring Festival holidays in early February until now, this virus spread has been increasingly under control, more and more patients have been cured and discharged from hospitals, and the cured patients outnumbered the newly confirmed for the first time two days ago.
Also, the number of newly-confirmed patients in regions other than Hubei province, an epicenter of this crisis, has declined 16 days in a row, and in some provinces, there have been zero reports of newly confirmed patients for days. As the effective risk-tackling policies by the Chinese government are being implemented with a little discount, the outlook is not bleak at all and Chinese people will see light at the end of the tunnel in the near future.
Then still two questions loom large: firstly, most Chinese people have been penned indoor for almost one month, how can they return to normal life and work safely? Secondly, many economic productions in China have been suspended for several weeks, how can they gradually fall back on track safely without weighing too much on economic growth?
Answering these questions needs the Chinese government to strike a good balance between containing virus and resuming economic activities because continuing to control virus spread is a matter of life and death while resuming economic productions is a matter of butter and bread. Undoubtedly, the Chinese government with determination and good policies in place has the confidence and ability to have them both materialized.
In the past two weeks, the Chinese central government has done a lot to prevent this virus from further spreading, not only was the construction of several hospitals finished within days but also tens of thousands of well-trained medical workers were dispatched to Hubei province. In addition, local disease prevention officials were ordered to make polices to host and treat any confirmed or suspected patients to completely sever possible human-to-human virus transmission, and a nationwide people’s war against this virus has also played a very important role. These policies are producing the above-mentioned good news.
After nearly a month-long dealing with this virus, the Chinese government has accumulated enough useful experiences and fine-tuned its policies to better manage the situation. Chinese doctors and experts fighting on the crisis frontline have come up with better testing techniques and therapy plans for the virus-incurred disease. All these advantaged conditions will help China make its way to a final victory and are telling evidence that the Chinese government has the capability to safeguard people’s life and health safety.
The other issue is how to resume Chinese economic activities gradually in a safe way. 2020 is a year with significant importance to China, not only does the Chinese government want to lift all poor people out of poverty, but it also plans to build China into a moderately prosperous society. China cannot give up this yearly target because of the virus outbreak; instead by implementing good economic policies the goal is achievable.
Since the virus outbreak, many service industries in China like the cinema, restaurant, and hotel have been ordered closed. Even after Spring Festival Holidays, which used to be a gold season for them to profit, these service industries remain closed, and the status quo will maintain in the near future, which has caused them suffering huge losses. However, a number of Internet-based businesses are booming during the virus outbreak, like more people are purchasing necessities and foods on Alibaba, the biggest e-commerce website, watching paid films on their phones and having training classes on the computers. Under the shadow of the virus, the digital economy is playing a brighter and bigger role in China.
Meanwhile, in the manufacturing industry, an important pillar of the Chinese economy, many factories in the world manufacturing hub Pearl River Delta, were facing difficulties in restarting their productions because of the fear of virus spread. With little to no cash flow from their suspended production, these companies were obliged to continue to pay rents and employees’ salaries. Many of them were concerned about bankruptcy.
But with the help of the Chinese government, more and more manufacturing companies have started their assembly lines since February 10. Local governments in provinces except for Hubei, where anti-virus remains the most important challenge, are helping them by supporting them reach the safety and health standard, coordinating banks to present preferable loans, arranging special sterilized buses to transport migrant workers commute from their hometown back to their factories and even offering a tax cut.
These measures supporting companies to resume productions are delivering good results and well-accepted by many multi-nationals. In the Eastern China Zhejiang province alone, more than 70 percent of enterprises above designated size, normally meaning having an annual revenue above 3 million US dollars, have recovered their production, over 90 percent of the export-oriented key companies have restarted assembly lines. The Apple Company, which has most of its products assembled in China and nearly half its spare parts suppliers from China, wrote a letter to its investors on February 17th saying that all of its partners in China have restarted their production, although the virus will result in a global shortage of its products, the repercussions are temporary.
As an important player on the global value chain, China has the most comprehensive industry chains, on which many countries and multinationals depend on further growth. Despite facing severe challenges in confronting the virus, China is trying its best to resume productions, which not only helps stabilize the world economy but also adds more confidence to global investors. As the Nobel laureate in economics, Robert Cox Merton recently wrote in his open letter to the Chinese people, “We are upbeat about China’s economic growth in the long-term, and we also believe that China will become stronger after this virus crisis.”
Controlling the virus is still a long march struggle, and resuming productions still face challenges, but China will eventually have both targets been shot accurately.
Lei Xiangping is a Tehran-based reporter of China Media Group, comprising CCTV, CRI, CNR, and CGTN.
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