Addressing a meeting on the political and strategic dimensions of the consequences of the assassination, Araghchi said history can be divided after this accident, especially after attack by Iran, which has changed strategic equations in the region.
He added that General Soleimani's assassination has had three effects on the Resistance Front, fighting the ISIS and takfiri terrorism and in the equation of power between Iran and the US.
In spite of the US' calculations, assassination of the Iranian commander has positive consequences.
He said some believe that General Soleimeni martyrdom is regarded as happiness for the ISIS since he was the key commander in fighting terrorism and Daesh.
Elaborating on the security equations in the West Asia and the Persian Gulf, he referred to presence of the UK and the US in the region, saying the Islamic Revolution damaged the US' policies.
Stressing the effect of the Islamic Revolution on regional equations, Araghchi said after war Iran continued developing its defense power, adding that without a war, Iran would not have come up with a strategic approach based on domestic capability aiming to defend itself.
Referring to US attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq, he said removing two main enemies of Iran in East and West which were Taliban and Saddam Hussein was regarded as a turning point in the history of regional equations.
He noted that fighting Daesh showed new potentials of Iran and the Resistance.
Araghchi said that the nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) created new economic and regional potentials for Iran.
He reiterated that the US withdrew from the nuclear deal to stand against Iran.
Iran also took maximum resistance against US' maximum pressure policy, he added.
Pointing to Iran's crushing response, Araghchi said Americans assumed that Iran will not be able to show a military reaction.
He described Iran's attack on the US base in Iraq as the biggest change in regional equations after Soleimani assassination.
Americans received a big slap and the hegemony was broken, he reiterated.
Lieutenant General Soleimani who was the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps' (IRGC) Quds Force commander was assassinated by the US along with the acting Commander of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), known as Hashd al-Shaabi, Abu Mahdi Al-Mohandes, and eight other military forces with record of fighting the Daesh (ISIS) in Iraq.
The Supreme Leader has called for proportionate military action against the US interests in response to the heinous crime against the Iranian Commander who was on a diplomatic mission to Baghdad.
Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) targeted the US airbase of Ain al-Assad in Al-Anbar province in western Iraq on Wednesday.
The IRGC said in a statement that it would release more details about the strike.
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei commented on the martyrdom of the great commander of the IRGC's Quds Forces and said harsh and severe revenge is awaiting the criminals.
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