Home / Economy / Zarif: Israel firsters not only ruined region, but betrayed their own people, just for votes

Zarif: Israel firsters not only ruined region, but betrayed their own people, just for votes

Zarif attached a report published by "Jewish Telegraphic Agency" with regard to President Donald Trump spending much of his 20-minute call with American Jewish leaders making the case for more American Jews to vote for him.

“I have to say this, whatever you can do in terms of November 3 is going to be very important because if we don’t win, Israel is in big trouble,” Trump was quoted as saying.

So Zarif wrote in his Twitter account: "Latest admissions by @realDonaldTrump:

-Where his family's loyalty really rests

-Why SEVEN TRILLION hard-earned US taxpayer dollars & so many American lives have been sacrificed.

#IsraelFirsters have not just ruined our region—they've betrayed their own people, just for votes."

The President of the United States is seeking to win the votes of the Americans before the elections by launching foreign policy propaganda that has proven to benefit his own interests and is not in favor of achieving peace in the world.

Trump, who is desperately seeking the attention of the nation on the threshold of the US’ presidential election, continues to deceive them by the various plots.

Given the successive failures of Washington's policies in recent years and Trump's frustration with winning the upcoming election, the analysts consider the move in line with his campaign.

During the meeting, Trump claimed that the Bahrain-UAE agreement with the Zionist regime will lead to real peace, which many experts believe it will only exacerbate tensions.


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