'This isn't the first time that #Iran has been targeted for exercising its right to decide its own destiny: 68 yrs ago today, parliament under democratically-elected PM Mossadeq nationalized our oil industry. A coup followed. Iranians will never allow others to decide their fate,' Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted on Wednesday.
The nationalization of the Iranian oil industry resulted from a movement in the Iranian parliament to seize control of Iran's oil industry, which had been run by private companies, largely controlled by foreign interests. The legislation was passed on March 15, 1951, and was verified by the Majlis on March 17, 1951.
Earlier, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qasemi said Nationalization of the Iranian oil industry also happened as a result of popular support and comprehensive consensus of political elites.
The great Iranian nations have always been steadfast and pioneer in fighting colonialism and arrogance, he added.
He noted that Iranians have never dealt their independence, pride and national dignity with hypocrisy.
He underlined that strong leaders opposing foreigners’ aggression are all around the country.
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