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University of Tehran ranks 387th in best global universities rankings

According to the US News Ranking, University of Tehran Ranking is 387 in  Best Global Universities, 58 in best global universities in Asia, first in best global universities in Iran.

Accordingly, these institutions from the US and more than 80 other countries have been ranked based on 13 indicators that measure their academic research performance and their global and regional reputations. Students can use these rankings to explore the higher education options that exist beyond their own countries' borders and to compare key aspects of schools' research missions. These are the world's nearly 1,500 top universities.

The seventh annual US News and World Report Best Global Universities rankings were produced to provide insight into how universities compare globally. Since an increasing number of students plan to enroll in universities outside of their own country, the Best Global Universities rankings – which focus specifically on schools' academic research and reputation overall and not on their separate undergraduate or graduate programs – can help those applicants accurately compare institutions around the world.

The Best Global Universities rankings also provide insight into how US universities – which US News has been ranking separately for more than 30 years – stand globally. All universities can benchmark themselves against schools in their own country and region, become more visible on the world stage, and find top schools in other countries to consider collaborating with.

The overall Best Global Universities rankings encompass nearly 1,500 top institutions spread across 86 countries, up from 81 countries last year. The first step in producing these rankings, which are powered by Clarivate, involved creating a pool of 1,748 universities that was used to rank the top 1,500 schools.


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