He said 2,575 industrial units employing 39,622 persons were put into operation.
Also, in the year 1396 the number of 1462 inactive industrial units employing of 24,406 persons were re-commissioned.
Concerning created jobs through occupational programs of the ISIPO in year 1396, Moqimi said the number hit 98,562 persons, adding that preparing 21 Feasibility Studies to absorb foreign investment and absorbing 19 investment projects hitting137 million dollars in industrial parks and regions were among the most important actions of the ISIPO.
He said that digitalizing services and execution of GIS development plan at the level of industrial parks and issuing 298 letters of guarantee worth 2,072 billion rials by Small Industries Investment Guarantee Fund were among software, supportive and development acts of the ISIPO in the past year.
There are 85,000 productive units in the country, around 1,700 units of which are big industrial units and the rest are small- and medium- scale units.
Around 41,000 units are located in the industrial parks, 65 percent of which are relatively active.
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