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Simurgh; Iran’s national brand for tourism

The project manager of Iranian Tourism Brand, Zahed Shafiei, said to IRNA on Saturday that  the selection of this logo and motto took more than two years and studies of Iran’s tourism brand officially began two decades ago.

Different logos, ranging from lotus flower to saffron flower, were selected and Iran has sometimes appeared in international forums with slogans such as ‘See Iran’, however, none of them have survived to this day, Shafiei added.

Iran's deputy Tourism Minister Vali Teymouri said that “With this registration by the UNWTO, Iran officially entered the list of countries with tourism brands".

Finalizing the National Brand slogan and visual identity, the Islamic Republic of Iran is planned to make use of this brand in the country tourism advertising campaigns and promotions and the brand is to be used by public and private tourism stakeholders’ promotional products and brochures.


** What is Simurgh?

Simurgh is a mythical bird in Iranian mythology and literature, stands for sun, wisdom, medicine and the creator and in order to Consider peaceful coexistence of different Iranian Faiths and tribes, as well as great variety of culture, ethnicity, lifestyles tastes, colors, historic monuments and natural beauties of the country simurgh, was selected the symbol stand for unity.

The motto combined with the image of a “Simurgh” -- a huge mythical bird of Persian legend credited with possessing great wisdom – constitute the national brand, which the country officially unveiled last February.

“Majestic Iran: a Different Experience” aims to hammer home the message of diversity and richness in recreational, cultural, and medical tourism.

****  Iran; The land of Glory and Beauties

Having 15 UNESCO World Heritage sites and the 10th country on Tourism Attractions and 5th on Ecotourism, are only small parts of Iran characteristics significant for the foreign tourists.

Iran is one of the rich countries of the cultural places, ecotourism sites and historical monuments which called the cradle of civilization in light of 7,000 years civilization.

An array of museums, a myriad of ecotourism opportunities, numerous religious sites, Affordable healthcare services, extensive bus network and air and rail infrastructure are just a small part of Iran’s potentials for Tourism.

Tourists gives preferences for different destinations in Iran to see the glorious landmarks, spectacular nature and sight-seeings, special culture and others Iran has them all!

This country has various landmarks and tourist resorts due to its history and geographical status, So it has something to offer for almost everyone, a variety of attractions enough to satisfy the variety of tastes and attitudes.

Such qualities make Iran a perfect destination, despite what most people think based on international propaganda and political decisions.

The interest of the world Muslims to travel to Iran as pilgrims, pay a visit to the holy shrines and also enjoy its natural sight-seeings and tourist attractions.

Iranian people are famous for their hospitality and all those who visit Iran appreciate the culture of hospitality Iranians show when they come across the tourists.


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