In a meeting with Iran's Ambassador to Serbia Rashid Hassanpour, he added that Iran is a large country, and although Serbia is a small in size and population, it enjoys a good status in terms of international role.
Serbia and Iran have great potential for expanding cooperation, especially in the fields of energy, agriculture, transport and tourism, he said, noting, "We must not allow international issues to negatively affect bilateral relations. We appreciate Iran for taking principled stances in support of national sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries."
Iran's ambassador, for his part, said that independence in action and adherence of countries to the accepted principles and commitments determine their weight and credibility in the international arena.
Iran is determined to enhance cooperation with the Republic of Serbia in the important region of Balkan. Parliamentary cooperation has always contributed to collaborations in other areas, he said.
Hassanpour further noted that Iran has always welcomed and supported positive and constructive dialogue and interaction in relations with countries, and has even taken the lead in this regard. Iran's nuclear deal with the G5 is seen as the culmination of this approach.
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