Khlopcov, who is one of Russia’s renowned nuclear analysts, told IRNA here on Wednesday that the path for diplomatic efforts aimed at resolving nuclear disputes is paved now and the emerged opportunity needs to be maximally used to decrease the tension level at the international scene.
The CENESS chief believes some sides of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) intend to resort to Trump's bankrupt maximum pressure policy at the IAEA Board of Governors against Tehran and said, "That is the reason why according to some media reports the Americans have prepared the draft for an anti-Iran IAEA resolution."
According to media reports, the American diplomats have handed out the draft of a resolution among the members of the IAEA Board of Governors in which the US objection to Iran's remunerative moves within the JCPOA framework are mentioned, and asks Tehran to fully cooperate with the IAEA inspectors.
Iran, too, has in a letter to the agency members announced that if such a resolution against Tehran will be ratified at the Board of Governors Iran will consider it “quite unconstructive” and regard it as “an end” to remain committed to the articles of the Iran-IAEA joint communique on Feb 21.
Khlopcov said that the issuance of such a resolution by the IAEA Board of Governors will be an illogical move against sound mind, arguing: Under such conditions that Iran agrees with cooperation with the IAEA, what is the need to such a resolution since such a document will definitely leave a negative effect on Iran-IAEA cooperation?
* US after gaining political bonuses
The Russian nuclear affairs analyst referring to the continuation of former US president Trump’s bankrupt maximum pressure policy by Biden administration against Iran, reiterated that there is no doubt that the American officials hope that by pursuing their antagonist approach towards Iran they can urge Tehran to yield to make concessions on its rights, which is what the White House really favors.
"This approach that the Biden administration has inherited from Trump is contrary to the new US president’s promises during his presidential campaign in which he had promised to rejoin America to JCPOA, end breaking international agreements, and return the US to the international diplomacy field," said Khlopcov.
* Agency, not proper scene for antagonist encounters
The head of Russia’s Center for Energy and Security Studies (CENESS) said that the Americans try to pursue with their anti-Iranian plans at the international organizations, and the IAEA, too, is no exception.
He reminded the Americans that their anti-Iranian maximum pressure faced defeat at the UN Security Council (UNSC) last fall and Washington faced segregation even among its closest traditional allies, failing in passing an international arms sanctions resolution against Iran, which was a severe blow against the American prestige at the international scene.
"Under the current tense conditions the IAEA, which is a technical organization in the field of nuclear energy, should not be turned into the scene for antagonist political encounters, as the Americans are trying to do," he added.
The Russian analyst, meanwhile, opined that the IAEA Board of Governors must try to decrease the existing tension among two of its members, Iran and the United States, because it has been proven that Iran does not yield to illogical pressure and threats, and the Americans, too, need to heed this reality and beware of Iran in devising their Middle East policies.
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