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Opposition with Zionist regime goes on: Speaker

Speaking in the open session of Majlis, Qalibaf said the enemies of humanity and the traitors to the Ummah have disclosed their real face.

Qalibaf said that today, defending Palestine and fighting the Zionist regime is the yardstick for identifying the justice-seekers and traitors.

He added those who befriend with the Zionist regime are considered as traitors to the Islamic Ummah and complicit in the crimes against humanity and abettor of the ominous Zionist criminals in all their past, present, and future acts.

Warning “the current traitors and those who plan to joining the inauspicious anti-human project”, he said that overt alignment of good and evil, Muslims and hypocrites, friends and enemies of the Zionist regime will surely result in further reinforcement of the Resistance.


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