Addressing the fourth Joint Coordinating Committee meeting in Gheshm Island on Monday, Hiroiuki Tanaka said that JICA's comprehensive plan started in Gheshm in 2015 to create conditions for development of the island based on the participation of local communities along with environmental protection.
He underlined that the Japanese government is also to promote the stability of development in the Iranian economy through sharing experiences and joint cooperation programs.
'Gheshm Island has a unique ecosystem that has rich natural resources, which with preserving and protecting it, Iran can attract more tourists and, consequently, economic prosperity.'
Chief Executive Officer of JICA in Iran stated, 'The natural environment provides essential resources for human life, such as water, food and medicine, and its best protector against natural hazards.'
'One of the main development bases of the island is the establishment of a relationship between all the people of the region and the creation of a synergy between the ecosystem and the human community,' he added.
Tanaka said the comprehensive plan is approaching its final stages, which does not mean the end of cooperation, and therefore the Free Zone Organization of Gheshm should continue to implement pilot projects and maintain its regulatory role.
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