Speaking to IRNA on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of signing the accord, Dalton said that despite the fact that it has been prevented from achieving more than a small proportion of its potential, the JCPOA is still essential.
“Multilateral diplomatic, security and economic engagement, generated primarily from within the region and including Iran, remains the best way to ensure a peaceful cooperative future for the peoples of the Persian Gulf region,” he said.
“It is high time for the suffering of Iranians under unjust unilateral sanctions to be brought to an end, for European countries to carry out their financial and commercial obligations under the JCPOA, for Iran to return to the path mapped out in the JCPOA, and for progress to be resumed towards IAEA verification that Iran’s nuclear activities are 100% peaceful,” the former diplomat added.
"Let us hope that 2021 will bring changes that will reverse the destructive approach of the US government - an approach which, alongside the nefarious policies of others, has made the US the world’s biggest state sponsor of instability and human suffering in the Greater Middle East.”
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