In a twitter message on Thursday, he wrote "@SecPompeo yesterday called for full enforcement of UNSCR 2231.
2231 endorsed JCPOA, & US ceased its participation in it. It is in violation of BOTH.
The int'l community rejected US' right to snapback last week.
The US shouldn't try its luck. It'll only be humiliated again."
The US President Donald Trump in a press briefing Wednesday evening announced a "special and urgent" news stating that he has ordered his Secretary of State to restore the United Nations Security Council sanctions which had been annulled due to the nuclear deal between the his precedent Barak Obama and Iran.
Trump officially left the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran on May 8, 2018 and resumed the unilateral sanctions against the Iranian nation which literally amount to economic terrorism.
Fearing defeat against his democrat rival Joe Biden in the upcoming US presidential elections, he is trying to save himself by killing the now half-alive JCPOA in a bid to make conditions harder for the next US government.
In line with his efforts, he introduced a resolution to the UNSC last Friday to extend Iran's arms embargo which was turned down by majority of the Security Council members.
The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is to go to the UN on Thursday and Friday to enact the multilateral process though he knows of the others' opposition beforehand.
Talking to IRNA after the US failure on Friday, Takht Ravanchi said that the UN Security Council rebuffs the US attempt to extend arms embargo on Iran is tantamount to turning down the US bid to invoke the trigger mechanism as well.
That the UNSC rejected the draft proposed by the US to extend arms embargo on Iran indicated US isolation internationally, he said.
US Security Council's Friday vote means US total isolation, the ambassador said.
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