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Iranian, Malaysian women to boost trade ties

The MoU was singed in Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, by Ms. Elham Amini, the secretary of the Forum and Ms. Nadira Yusoff, the WENA president on Monday evening.

'Utilizing the entire potentials to raise the level of the two Muslim countries' ties requires women's participation,' Amini said.

She also invited WENA members to visit Iran and emphasized the necessity of enhancing close cooperation between businesswomen and entrepreneurs of the two countries.

Yusoff also welcomed the rising trade ties between Iranian and Malaysian women, stressing the importance of cooperation and signing MoUs for entering Iran's big and distinguished market.

A meeting is scheduled to be held on November 1 and 2 in Tehran on investment opportunities in Iran and Malaysia for women.

The secretary of Iran-Malaysia Trade and Exhibition Opportunities Mohammad Hafez Hakami said for his part that there are grounds for various activities that entrepreneur Muslim women from the two countries could use, and the cooperation between IMWBF and WENA could be a role model for women in other Muslim countries.


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