Referring to Iran’s vast oil and gas resources, Head of Iran-Serbia Parliamentary Friendship Group Parvaneh Salahshouri voiced Tehran’s readiness to promote collaboration in those fields with Belgrade in a meeting with Chairman of Serbian Parliament’s Economy, Trade, Tourism and Energy Commission Sneja Petovich.
Salahshouri who is on an official visit to Serbia at the head of a parliamentary delegation to discuss issues of mutual interest with the Serbian senior officials, also called for mutual cooperation in the sphere of renewable energies.
She contended that a surge in Iran-Serbia trade and economic and technical collaboration will benefit both nations.
Salahshouri added that the meeting of Iran-Serbia Economic Commission will be held soon.
For her part, Chairman of Serbian Parliament’s Economy, Trade, Tourism and Energy Commission Sneja Petovich expressed pleasure over uptrend of bilateral ties, inviting the Iranian investors to invest in the Balkan country.
She also said that World Bank has recently announced Serbia as one of the interesting countries for foreign investment, as the country has promoted its ranking from 47 to 43 on the list of the countries fitting for trade, thanks to its success in attracting capitals.
The Serbian legislator voiced Belgrade’s preparedness for cooperation with Tehran in all fields, particularly in the arenas of energy, animal husbandry industries, agriculture and tourism.
Salahshouri sat down for talks with Serbian foreign and trade ministers and certain chairmen of parliamentary commissions.
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