The Iran-Russia Joint Industrial-Commercial Videoconference was attended by deputy industry and trade minsters of Iran and Russia, as well as a good number of the two countries’ industrialists and technicians and in it methods for bilateral cooperation in manufacturing cars, planes, helicopters, ships, and spare-parts were discussed, and agreed upon.
Iranian Deputy Industries, Mines and Trade Minister Mohammad Zadboom, Russia’s Deputy Industries and Trade Minister Oleg Zirantsev, Iran’s Ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalali and a number of officials and activists in two countries industries and trade presented their viewpoints in the videoconference on ways for comprehensive expansion of bilateral industrial and trade.
The Iranian deputy industries, mines and trade minister said in the conference that increased commercial transactions between Iran and Russia during the course of the past year is very satisfactory and we hope to further expand it keeping in mind the existing broad potentials in both countries.
Russia’s deputy industries and trade minister, too, said that Russia is very hopeful about the constructive talks with Iranian officials.
“Today’s conference is a prelude for holding the Russian Industrial Work Group in the framework of the Commission for Iran-Russia commercial and Industrial Joint Cooperation.
Iran’s Ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalali, too, proposed at the conference that joint economic and industrial holdings aimed at taking maximal advantage of the Customs Organizations’ green belts should be established, as they can play important roles in boosting bilateral trade.
He said that joint production of cars and spare parts, exchange of experience and research works’ outcomes in innovative fields, on manufacturing heavy vehicles, including busses, trucks and passenger cars, joint marketing and investments, are among the other existing fields for bilateral cooperation.
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