Speaking during a press conference on the occasion of Government Week, Ardakanian said that Iran already has a 1,000MW nuclear power plant that helps a lot at peak times.
Ali-Akbar Salehi, the head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), had earlier said that a 1,000MW power plant will prevent the emission of 7 million tons of air pollutants.
'As Iran is a dry country, we need to move towards constructing small nuclear power plants,' Salehi said, adding that the Parliament has obliged the government to increase the nuclear electricity generation of the country to 20,000MW.
As the constructing of a 1,000MW nuclear power plant will costs $ 5 billion, construction of nuclear power plants with capacity of generating 20,000MW electricity will need a $ 100 billion investment, Salehi said.
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