The national human rights council released a statement in reaction to the resolution proposed by the US, Britain, France and Germany in the UN Human Rights Council.
Earlier, spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry Saeed Khatibzadeh said that violators of other nations' rights cannot claim that they are advocates of human rights or cannot judge situation of human rights in other states.
The text of the statement is as follows:
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
The efforts made by several western countries, which are at the forefront of violating the rights of the Iranian people, in creating a mechanism to issue a political report against the Islamic Republic of Iran and embellish it in the form of an international organization resolution are increasingly exposing hypocrisy and lying tricks against the nation whose beliefs and their spirit of self-respect and dignity have provided a new model in the field of human rights. The combination of scientific, cultural, sports, political and economic growth and prosperity of men and women while maintaining their independence and national identity and even defending oppressed nations against the terrorist US regime and the racist Zionism, is the main cause of all hostilities against the Iranian nation.
Therefore, these powers have used the three tools of sanctions, terror and negative propaganda to counter the pattern of resistance and progress. Human rights resolutions are a desperate attempt to blacken the image of the Iranian people by countries which have a dark record of human rights violations.
Despite the disagreement of the majority of the members at the UN Human Rights Council with the political statements of several western countries violating human rights, the United States, Britain, France and Germany, which have been and are leading violators of the Iranian people’s human rights, abused the capacity of the Human Rights Council.
The issuance of a resolution by the Human Rights Council that is contrary to the current realities in Iran and in clear violation of the principles, objectives and provisions of the UN Charter, in particular Article 1(3) and Article 2 (2) and is also the mockery of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Such resolutions certainly cannot represent the realities of Iran's human rights, but it is undoubtedly an extension of the confrontational policies of western governments against Iran and Iranians and a violation of the rights of the Iranian people and degrades the position of the Human Rights Council to a politicized and anti-human rights body that necessarily entails its international responsibility.
The Islamic Republic of Iran, as in the past, while expressing strong concern about the spiritual theft of the honor and dignity of international bodies, including the Human Rights Council, by several arrogant, utilitarian and human rights violators, considers the instrumental use of international human rights capacities as a betrayal to justice and persecution and considers the violation of the dignity and impartiality of international human rights organizations as one of the greatest and most prominent examples of human rights violations, and therefore strongly condemns it.
The political form and content of the resolution and the past and present approach of the sponsoring governments in supporting the blatant violation of the rights of the Iranian people leave no room for claiming the legal nature of this resolution. Governments that are absolutely in the forefront of selling genocidal tools to the aggressor, occupier and child-killing regimes, including the Zionist regime and the Saudi regime, and who waive the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people and the people of Bahrain due to their material interests, cannot claim to be advocating and promoting human rights.
In fact, their insistence on continuing hostile and engineered human rights actions against the Islamic Republic of Iran is reminiscent of their similar mission in grossly violating the human rights of the Iranian people during the imposed war and donating deadly chemical weapons to dictator and aggressor Saddam for the mass destruction of humanity and on the other hand, it is the instrumental use of international organizations to legitimize this crime.
The founders and supporters of the Geneva political resolution are the same governments that, following the US terrorist regime and imposing White House sanctions, undermining their independence and national identity, surrendered to US regime rulers at the cost of killing a significant number of children suffering from special diseases and violated of the rights of the entire Iranian nation. Even in the harsh conditions of the Corona virus outbreak, they have demonstrated their inhumane nature in practice by implementing the US regime oppressive sanctions more rigorously and seriously, leaving no doubt about their inhuman nature and approach.
It is unfortunate that these countries, which have so far spared no effort to put maximum pressure on the Iranian nation and have even voted against the resolution to install and renew the "Special Rapporteur on the Negative Effects of Unilateral Coercive Measures on Human Rights" and their covert policy in supporting crimes against humanity committed by the US terrorist regime was exposed to the world and took over the implementation of the US regime's policies of sanctioning medicine and food against the Iranian nation, have today brazenly claimed to be advocating human rights in Iran.
The Human Rights Council of the Islamic Republic of Iran reiterates its consistent policy of cooperating with non-politicized, impartial and fair human rights mechanisms at all national, regional and international levels, from all countries that, despite pressure and even threats, defended the borders of their independence and national identity and voted against this political statement and also expresses its disapproval of the mentioned statement issued by the global violators of human rights, namely the United States, Britain, Germany and France. The HCHR stresses the prevention of instrumental abuse of international human rights mechanisms and announces to be seriously seeking to end the systematic violation of the human rights of the Iranian people in the international arena by making hostile actions costly for certain countries which adopt measures against the Iranian nation.
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