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Iran donates corona safety kits to Pakistan

Ahmad Mohammadi handed over the safety gear to the women head of Red Crescent society in Sindh, Shahnaz Hameed during a meeting in Karachi on Thursday.

The two sides during the meeting, which took place at the Red Crescent office in Sindh, exchanged views on the outbreak of coronavirus in Iran and Pakistan.

Iranian diplomat said that Iran is producing state of the art anti-corona safety equipment along with medicines and is ready to supply and export these products to Pakistan on affordable prices.

Mohammadi on the occasion handed over hundreds of corona safety kits to Sindh Red Crescent society on behalf of a renowned Iranian hospital.

It is pertinent to mention that in March this year Pakistan’s largest philanthropic Edhi foundation had donated US $ 200,000 to Iran to assist the country in the fight against coronavirus.

Head of the organization Faisal Edhi handed over the donations to Iranian Consul General in Karachi, at the consulate.


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