The 25-year document on comprehensive cooperation between Iran and China was finalized Saturday (March 27) in a meeting held in the Iranian capital between Supreme Leader's advisor and Tehran's special envoy for strategic relations with Beijing Ali Larijani and China's visiting Foreign Minister Wang Yi. The document was finalized coincidently with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two nations.
About the document, the IRNA chief said "it is not a deal but a document which has focused on creating a roadmap and a prospect for fostering all-out relations and implementing the strategic comprehensive partnership."
Fulfillment of every single part of the document can be of benefit to both countries, Norouzpour added in his article.
Contradictory to certain countries whose history is full of "destructive interferences" in affairs of other states, Iran and China have a rich history of cultural cooperation thanks to massive commonalities and their great willingness to promote peace and development," the IRNA chief noted.
He further stressed that "Iran and China "have usually had pragmatic interactions."
As he underlined, both countries believe "Action speaks louder than the word."
Undoubtedly, the presence of China in the Middle East region and also its presence in Iran can open a new chapter in Iran's balanced cooperation in technological, trade, industrial economic and scientific development, he added.
"Such cooperation is not in opposition to cooperation with other countries; rather it is supplementary."
Without a doubt, a boost in relations with china- a country that is being turned into the most powerful state economically and militarily- is not only necessary for Iran but also for any other world country which is after playing a role in the global value chain, Norouzpour wrote.
"Development of relations between Iran and China, as two founders and leaders of great civilizations, is imperative for both sides."
If China, then Asia, is one of the countries which form the world's future, then Iran as a key country in the Silk Road is a shortcut to this future, he said.
Chinese President Xi Jinping believes that Iran has a special position in the Silk Road land route and is a key gate there, as it connects China to other regional countries. President Jinping introduced the "One Belt, One Road" initiative, a plan to link China with Asia, Africa and Europe via a network of ports, railways and roads in 2013.
As Norouzpour underlined, Iran enjoys great capacities in the energy sector including remarkable achievements in petrochemical industries.
Iran also has a special geo-economic and geopolitical position which has turned the country into an excellent state for cooperation; and China has found this capacity, IRNA Chief added.
He went on to say that signing any document on comprehensive cooperation between Iran and other states is possible, but it needs due readiness.
What happened between Iran and China on March 27 came from the determination and readiness of both countries at the highest political level, he stressed.
Pointing to different aspects of the Iran-China document on comprehensive cooperation, the IRNA chief said its economic feature is of great importance.
As he noted, the document has stressed the importance of Iran's effective role in 'One Belt, One Road' plan, because it can revive Iran's transit capacities.
The document, which is termed by the Chinese as top-level, grade-one cooperation, can help both organize bilateral cooperation; then criticism against such cooperation and interaction will be faded away, he noted.
"Also, the necessary atmosphere will be created for [making use of] all other capacities which have already had no place for playing a role," Norouzpour concluded.
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