Speaking to IRNA, Delfi referred to Europe’s opposition against the decision to extend arms embargo on Iran, saying Europe has taken principled stance toward Iran nuclear deal meaning that they consider the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) as a great plan in line with non-proliferation and disarmament protocols.
In fact Europe’s stance has been to preserve JCPOA and decrease pressures resulting from the Iran-US tensions.
He noted that the US withdrawal for Iran nuclear deal escalated tensions between US and the EU.
US act was regarded as turning back on multilateralism, moving toward unilateralism and undermining allies’ demands, he reiterated.
Stressing the fact that the agreement with Tehran is of importance for Trump administration, Delfi said Trump had started imposing pressure against Iran even before his term started because he wanted to reach a better agreement as he claimed.
Iran will not negotiate with any country under pressure, he said adding that Iran is ready to hold talks through JCPOA joint commission.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed that Washington delivered a letter to the UN for snapback invocation against Iran to bring back sanctions in 30 days.
Referring to the process of restoration of sanctions against Iran, he added that "we are confident that the trigger mechanism will be implemented against Iran".
This is while, France, Germany and the United Kingdom (E3) announced in a statement that they will not support the US in snapback invocation against Iran which is incompatible with the current efforts to support Iran nuclear deal.
Meanwhile, Iran's Permanent Mission to the United Nations said in a statement that US objective is to destroy UNSCR 2231 and Iran nuclear deal, adding that the UNSC once again indicated the US isolation.
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