Speaking in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari – Austria Business Forum, Scholz said that Austria permanent cultural society in Iran held 130 cultural events across Iran
We are willing to hold one of our cultural programs in Shahrekord, he added.
The Austrian ambassador said that Austria permanent cultural society in Iran has paved the way for reinforcing cultural relations with Iran.
Austria is one of the most successful countries in the field of water resources management in the world, he said, adding that the country is interested in starting cooperation in management of water resources and water treatment in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari.
Referring to the significant capacity of the province in agricultural sector, Scholz said that promoting sustainable agriculture is also the agenda of cooperation between the Austrian and the provincial officials.
We can have cooperation on food processing industries, packaging and on-time transport of fresh food, he reiterated.
He pointed to capacities of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province in tourism field, saying that due to the fact that tourism constitutes 15% of Austria's gross domestic product, Austria can develop cooperation with Iranian province on tourism.
Elsewhere in his remarks, Austrian envoy lauded cooperation between Iranian and Austrian scientists amid COVID19 outbreak and through webinars, saying efforts have been made for taking advantage of smart solutions.
He noted that compared with other countries, Iran-Austria relations are based on 700-year-old amity, 500 years partnership and 160 years diplomatic ties.
Austria contributed to opening faculty of the Middle East studies at Tehran University, Scholz said adding that Austrian engineers played role in construction of Iran's nationwide railway.
Austria was the first country after the Islamic Revolution to recognize Iranian transitional Government, he added.
Austrian president was the first president who visited Iran after signing Iran nuclear deal, he noted.
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