**National Competition Section
:Best Short Documentary's Director**
" Brother From the Barrens" by Ali Assadi, Rasoul Davari-
:Best Semi-Length Documentary's Director**
"- "Kal Fatemeh" by Mahdi Zamanpour Kiasari
:Best Feature-Length Documentaries' Director**
"Fill in the Blanks" by Atiyeh Zare Arandi-
Best Researcher:**
- "Iranian Animation" by Mehrdad Sheikhan
Best Cameraman:**
"Kal Fatemeh" by Davood Rahmani-
Best Sound:**
"Dry Pond Dragonfly", Arash Qasemi (Sound Design)-
**Best Edit:
"Houbara", Mostafa Gandomkar, Sogol Moradi -
Best Narration Writing:**
- "Taher", Narration Writer: Amir Masoud Hosseini, Narrator: Siamak Safari
:Best Music**
-"Last Breathes", Kiavosh Saheb Nasaq
:Best Producer**
– "Fill in the Blanks", Atiyeh Zareh Avandi
**Special Award of Jury Boards
"On the Ground" by Mohsen Khan Jahani-
**Avini Award Section
**Bronze trophy of Martyr Avini, diploma of honor, and the cash prize of 180 million Rials is awarded to "Ali Mohammad Zolfaghari" the director of "Ramadi Report."
**Silver trophy of Martyr Avini, diploma of honor, and the cash prize of 200 million Rials is awarded to "Hassan Jafari " the director of "Immigrant Swallows."
**Golden trophy of Martyr Avini, diploma of honor, and the cash prize of 220 million Rials are awarded to “Mahdi Shah Mohammadi” director of "Eighteen Thousand Feet."
**The Special Jury Awards went to "Fish Island" by Reza Azamian and Japanese Mohsen" by Vahid Faraji"
**The Special Jury Award of Iran's Martyred Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani went to Sasan Falahfar for "Iranian Eye"
**Entrepreneurship Documentary Section
- Third Prize went to "It Is Raining Under This Umbrella" by Katayoun Jahangiri
Second Prize went to "F-A" by Farshad Ektebashi -
- First Prize went to "The Unfinished Way" by Asqar Qandzchi, Mostafa Razaq Karimi
The jury board also awarded Sohrab Nourbakhsh for "Little Creators."
Coronavirus special section:
- Third Prize went to "Impass" by Javad Yaqmouri, Mahdi Amini
- Second Prize went to "The 19th Block" by Masoud Dehnavi
- First Prize went to "Pesgholeh" by Majid Sheida
The jury board also awarded "There is Dawn" by Mohsen Jahani, Hashem Masoudi.
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