In a message on Instagram on Wednesday, Baeidinejad added that western institutes maintain that given the modern methods Iran has adopted with regards to oil exports, no institute is able to track down Iran’s oil export accurately.
It was Forbes which for the first time provided an inaccurate estimation of Iran oil exports due to the country’s new methods for exporting oil, Baeidinejad said.
In May 2018, the US President Donald Trump announced Washington’s decision to withdraw from Iran deal, saying it leaves Iran a possibility to create a nuclear bomb bypassing all the restrictions. He warned the United States would reinstate its old anti-Iran sanctions and would impose new ones. The first round of sanctions, covering Iran’s automotive sector and trade in gold and metals, was re-imposed early August. Further sanctions went into effect as of November 5 in a bid to reduce Iran’s oil revenues to zero.
The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), known as the deal on Iran’s nuclear program, was signed by Iran and six international mediators (the United Kingdom, Germany, China, Russia, the United States, and France) on July 14, 2015. On January 16, 2016, the parties to the deal announced beginning of its implementation. Under the deal, Iran undertakes to curb its nuclear activities and place them under total control of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in exchange for lifting of sanctions imposed previously by the United Nations Security Council, the European Union and the United States over its nuclear program.
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