"In letter to counterparts @HassanRouhani informs how efforts to fight #COVID19 pandemic in Iran have been severely hampered by US sanctions, urging them to cease observing them: It is IMMORAL to let a bully kill innocents," Zarif tweeted on Saturday.
He added: "Viruses recognize no politics or geography. Nor should we."
Meanwhile, in his recent letter to UN chief Zarif said: "While the virus ravages our cities and towns, our population—unlike those of other countries affected—suffer under the most severe and indiscriminate campaign of economic terrorism in history, imposed illegally and extra-territorially by the Government of the United States since it reneged on its commitments under Security Council Resolution 2231 in May 2018."
The head of the Public Relations and Information Center of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education Kianoush Jahanpour said on Saturday that 12,729 people have so far been infected with the deadly coronavirus in Iran, 611 of whom have died while 4,339 have recovered.
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