Home / Culture / Working group to boost ties with Eurasian states set up in Yazd

Working group to boost ties with Eurasian states set up in Yazd

Mohammad Ali Talebi told a ceremony honoring 31 provincial top exporters late on Thursday that in this way a good market has been created and exporters should seize the opportunity.

Describing exports as the symbol of dynamism in business, he said that Iran has diverse markets for its exports.

There are units in the province that are currently exporting goods to 50 countries, bypassing sanctions, he said.

In 2016, Iran proposed establishment of a free trade zone between Iran and Eurasia Union, which was welcomed by its members and after two years of talks, the agreement was finally signed in Astana in 2018.

The Eurasian Economic Union, also known as the Eurasian Union, is a political and economic union of states located in central and northern Eurasia.

The treaty aiming for the establishment of the EAEU was signed on May 29, 2014 by the leaders of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, and came into force on January 1, 2015.

Benefiting from tariff discounts for exporters to the EAEU, including Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Armenia, is among advantages of joining this agreement.


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