His remarks came after the US and certain allies vetoed Russia's proposed resolution to lift sanctions imposed on the countries grappling with coronavirus.
In a tweet in Russian language, he added that today (Friday) the global community stood on one side and the US on the other.
Under this conditions, certain countries' officials and US secretary general have called for removing sanctions against countries fighting coronavirus, resistance of US officials against the request seems unnatural, Jalali said, noting that perhaps it reveals the fact that US national interests are running counter to those of the other peoples across the world.
US foreign policy has even mocked role of the United Nations in solving global problems, he reiterated.
In another tweet, Iran's ambassador in Moscow wrote that recent humanitarian demands once again demonstrated the inhuman and unethical nature of instrumental use of sanctions, particularly unilateral sanctions.
US' sanctions and restrictions have made it more difficult to treat patients with corona, and the Iranian nation is still withstanding the cruel sanctions and coronavirus simultaneously, he said.
Russia's proposed statement in the United Nation's General Assembly was rejected after it was opposed by the US, Britain, EU, Georgia and Ukraine, he said, noting that the statement called for removing sanctions on the countries engaged in fighting the virus.
Politicization of humanitarian moves by certain states takes place at a time when the disease has spread worldwide, Jalali said.
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