Home / Culture / Swiss tourist says impressed with attractions of Kerman tourist sites

Swiss tourist says impressed with attractions of Kerman tourist sites

Kerman province, with its rich and ancient civilization and climate, has four seasons and treasure-trove of natural, historical and cultural heritage and attractions that can rightly be called a miniature of Iran's tourism.

The presence of seven world heritage monuments, three national heritage monuments and thousands of natural and historical attractions have made Kerman province one of the most important tourist destinations of the country for domestic and foreign tourists.

Kerman province's cultural heritage, handicrafts, and tourism have many capacities, each of which are precious that have been passed down through generations to generations and should strive to survive.

Lola Bernardoni, who has coaching in skateboarding told IRNA about his visit in Kerman, "I came to Iran and one of my goals was to travel to Kalut Shahdad Desert to experience the sunrise and sunset.

She added that she had traveled to Uzbekistan and Tajikistan last year and she dreamed of travel to Iran, but, she didn't think Kerman's attractions were so beautiful that she had to stay longer in Kerman.

Bernardoni added that It was during her visit to Samarkand, Bukhara and Central Asia that she met a large number of Iranians who traveled by bicycle to Iran.

Shahdad Kalut, or Kalut Desert, is located in the central Iranian province of Kerman near the city of Shahdad. "Kalut" is a big hill of sands which is created by desert winds and erosion shapes magnificent and beautiful patterns. The world Kalut is a combination of “Kal” meaning “village” and “Lut” meaning “desert" in Persian.

Lola in this interview added that that Tehran, Isfahan, Yazd, Shiraz, Kerman and Kashan are on her next destinations.

She said that Kalut Shahdad Desert was the main choice. "Placing pristine villages and places is on my itinerary because I think we can get acquainted with the culture and customs of the indigenous people in different areas, and it is a pleasure for me to think that I am browsing history."

The most beautiful places to visit in Kerman are: Arge Bam, Shazdeh Garden, Rayen Castle, Shah Nematollah Vali Shrine, Ganjali Khan Complex, Jabalieh, Plays Park, Golshan Inn, Amusement Park, Shahid Rashidi Park, Ostandari Park, Harandi Musuem Garden, Ebrahim khan Zahirodoleh School, Ebrahim Khan Zahirodoleh Complex, Carting Piste, Kid Playground, Bam playground, Zarand playground, and the Health Center Park.


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