The message was read out by Hojjatoleslam Mohammadi Golpayegani, the head of the office of the Leader, to the opening session of the new parliament.
Underlining the priority of economy and culture, the Supreme Leader urged the Iranian newly-elected parliamentarians to attach special significance to solving livelihood of the vulnerable strata of the society and to put on top agenda creating jobs, production and rein in inflation.
Ayatollah Khamenei also called on the new Parliament to brotherly interact with the government and the Judiciary system.
Congratulating the new MPs on being elected to the post, the Supreme Leader noted that the parliamentarians need to carry out their duties, while being expert, active and clean-handed, a reference to avoiding financial corruption.
The Leader advised the MPs to try to understand political situation of the country and the priorities, so that the people will rely on them and remain hopeful on such a Parliament.
Ayatollah Khamenei cautioned the MPs against preoccupation in harmful minor issues and to let unhealthy personal and partisan motives, and negligence and unhealthy ethnic and factional agenda into their expert job.
The Supreme Leader said that reduction of the leading role of oil revenues provides a special opportunity for the country that should be seized by the Government to develop self-reliance of the economy.
In the meantime, the Leader called for drawing up the country’s 7th Economic, Social and Cultural Development Plan by the new parliament.
Ayatollah Khamenei appreciated the efforts made by the lawmakers of the previous parliament and its speaker Ali Larijani.
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