"The Persian Gulf is not just a name among the geographical names; rather it is a symbol of the solidarity and pride of the Iranians. This ancient name is reminiscent of a nation's bravery and narrates a history of epic and patriotism," he said.
The beautiful Persian Gulf is not only a manifestation of the boundless beauty and antiquity of dear Iran, which is part of the history of the region and the real crossroads of the interests of the country and its neighbors, but also it can be the basis of extensive interactions and good neighborliness and coexistence in the region. As always, Iran is ready to take the lead on this path, he said.
Tenth of Iranian month of Ordibehesht (April 30) marks the anniversary of Shah Abbas I of Persia’s successful military campaign when the Portuguese navy was forced out of the Strait of Hormuz, which was occupied by the then colonialist Portugal.
The Portuguese made a fortress on Hormuz Island and had full control of the trade between India and Europe passing through the Persian Gulf for more than 100 years.
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