According to Omani media, in its statement Oman Foreign Ministry announced that it is watching regional developments and hopes Iran and the US to exercise self-restraint and to solve problems through negotiations.
Oman also rejected some media report claiming that Muscat has transferred US message on downing spy drone to Iranian government.
Meanwhile, US Special Representative on Iran sanctions and adviser to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Brian Hook held talks with Omani officials in Muscat.
In total disregard of the United Nations Charter adopted by the world leaders in 1942 in the run-up to establish the United Nations requiring respect for sovereignty of states and the sovereignty equality rights of the member states, Donald Trump announced sanctions on Iranian leader and Secretary of US Department of Treasury Steven Munchin said he will announce sanctions against Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.
The US approach toward Iran indicates that Trump White House steers clear of the International Law and the conventions of the international community which every UN member states must abide by.
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