Vijey Joshi said in an interview with the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) on the importance of OANA that regional news agencies under the guise of a powerful news institution like OANA can provide accurate and different narratives in the face of Western media.
Referring to the fact that most of the global media are dominated by American and European news agencies, he emphasized that the presence of smaller and local media that can reflect the narrations of their countries with their own voice is important, and it is in this regard that cooperation of news agencies of other countries that have a similar approach is important.
'One of the most important challenges of news gathering is that small news agencies do not have enough resources to cover global news, for example, if we want to cover Iran's news, we rely on the western media. This means receiving news with the point of view and policy of Western news agencies, ignoring India, Iran or Asia. Therefore, I think that OANA is an important platform that can help exchange more news between news agencies.'
'The exchange of news is a collaborative field, one of the key areas for cooperation,' the Indian journalist who has been working for many years outside of India on the main fields of cooperation between the ancient news agencies and their challenges in Asia. Important issues in national news agencies are that they are state news agencies and therefore they are pro-government and may be biased in their news while the news should be completely neutral and fair, Joshi underlined.
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