Home / Culture / Muslims unity message of Imam Khomeini: Pakistani MP

Muslims unity message of Imam Khomeini: Pakistani MP

In an interview with Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), Senator Lieutenant General (retd) Abdul Qayyum said obviously Imam Khomeini was the most honest, dedicated and selfless leader who established an Islamic government in Iran. 

“Imam Khomeini toppled the centuries old monarchy in Iran through an Islamic Revolution backed by the Iranian nation,” said the law maker.

The politician went on to say that ‘we hope and pray that Muslims all around the world would follow the teachings of Imam Khomeini'.

He said that Imam Khomeini led the Iranian nation in difficult times and taught his people how to counter the US and Zionist conspiracies against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Abdul Qayyum expressing his views said people of Pakistan have deep respect for the late Imam adding that Pakistan was the first country that had recognized the new Islamic system in Iran.

“This admirable initiative was another golden page in the history of relations between the two countries just like the initiative of Iran to recognize Pakistan as an independent country,” noted the parliamentarian.

He said that Imam Khomeini had always stressed upon the unity among Muslim world saying that Muslims through their unity can encounter all challenges against them.

The Senator was hopeful that Imam Khomeini’s dream of Muslim unity would be realized and all anti-Islam forces will be defeated by a united Ummah.


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