At this gathering, professors and teachers of the Persian language presented their suggestions and problems in improving the situation of teaching this language in Lebanon.
Mohammed Shams, a professor of Persian at the University of Lebanon, suggested that a branch of an Iranian university, such as the American University of Beirut, is set up in Lebanon, referring to language teaching workshops.
Ghassan Sayed Ahmad of Beqaah in eastern Lebanon stressed the need to create social and educational opportunities for young people to learn Persian in the country and underlined the promotion of tourism and travel between the two countries to increase the need for the Lebanese people to learn the Persian language.
He also proposed the creation of a Persian language translation course in Lebanon's public and non-governmental universities.
Translation and publication of Persian short stories by students, compilation of textbooks for young age groups in schools, provision of teaching aids for teaching Persian language, holding specialized classes such as translation techniques, advanced dialogue, and teacher training, encouraging students to participate in additional courses offered in Iran and the formation of the Students' Association were among other suggestions by the Persian language teachers in Lebanon.
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