Home / Culture / Magnificent Sassanid monument discovered in eastern Iran

Magnificent Sassanid monument discovered in eastern Iran

The Public Relations Office of the Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism (RICHT) quoted Maysam Labaf Khaniki, head of the archeological team, as saying that the castle is part of the historical Bazeh Hoor area in southwest of Mashhad which is located on the top of a defile through which passes Khorasan-Sistan route.

He said although several unauthorized drillings have disrupted the image of the area, it seems that there are still valuable evidence from the Sassanid architecture which is buried in the area the scientific exploration of which could respond to the important part of the questions and ambiguities about the history and culture of Khorasan before Islam and in the early Islamic era.

The second season of the five-year archeological studies in the Bazeh Hoor ancient area has been allocated to the exploration in Qaleh Dokhtar, he said, adding that the works which have been revealed are as much that salvage operations have been put on the agenda.

The archeologist referred to the discovery of a corner of architectural space during the operations and said columns decorated with rare plaster work from the Sassanid era and noted that pieces of plaster work which once decorated the building had been scattered around due to unauthorized excavations.

He further remarked that among the plaster works, there are artistic motifs from the human body, the bushes of grapevine, various geometric shapes and most importantly the Middle Persian inscriptions each of which narrates an important part of the history and art of Khorasan and Iran during the Sassanid era.

The archaeologist noted that protection of the works and their scientific study and discovery could help bring into the region wealth, prosperity and economic development in addition to solving important issues about Iran’s history and culture.

He stated that after the permit for the exploration was issued by the head of the Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism (RICHT), a group of senior archeologists, experts in the Sassanid architecture, and a provincial authority dispatched to the area and documentation and protection operation of the works discovered in the pit made for unauthorized excavations was launched.

He noted that in line with the realization of the objectives of salvage operation, after documentation the surface of the discovered works was covered in order to be protected against natural factors and during the future archeological explorations, together with other discovered pieces, a rare collection of unique architectural art and history of Khorasan culture will be exposed to the researchers and visitors.


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