Home / Culture / Judiciary Chief condoles nation on martyrdom of Gen. Soleimani

Judiciary Chief condoles nation on martyrdom of Gen. Soleimani

Raisee, in his message on Friday morning, noted that the US-led international terrorism added yet another shameful page to its black record by martyring the Major General Qasim Soleimani

The message stressed that although the resistance front today is saddened by the martyrdom of commander Qasem Soleimani and his great companion, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the resolute steps of this honorable commanders will resonance in the history.

Hundreds of Soleimanis will rise to wreak havoc in the eyes of the US terrorist government and international terrorism around the world, he added.
Senior commander of the IRGC's Quds Forces Major General Qasem Soleimani was martyred in a terrorist operation in Baghdad Friday morning, official media resources said.
Iraqi media quoted official resources as saying that the Major General of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) and the acting commander of the volunteer Iraqi Shia Forces, known as the Deputy Commander of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces (the Hash al-Shaabi) Abu Mahdi Al-Mohandes, who were separately leaving Baghdad airport in two cars were targeted and assassinated.
Major General Soleimini is said to have arrived at the airport from Lebanon.
Iraqi media said the US helicopters targeted both cars.
The assassination stands at top of news in Iraq, the region and the whole world.
The IRGC confirmed the martyrdom of the great commander in a statement.
In the statement, the IRGC said that the glorious commander of Islamic forces was martyred in a US helicopter attack on Friday morning at the culmination of his life long efforts to promote the path of God.


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