According to official statistics, the level of medical education has dramatically improved in terms of both quantity and quality, especially since when the medical education was integrated into the health service sectors after the establishment of the Ministry of Health & Medical Education.
Before the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, only 250,000 students were studying in Iranian universities while now 5 million students are involved in higher education in Iran.
Many new specialties and post graduate courses and degrees have been set up. In 1979, only 6000 medical specialists were actively working in Iran, 68% of whom were based in capital city of Tehran.
Based on information provided by Journal of Iran Medical Council, now 78,000 General Practitioners, 36,000 Medical Specialties, 24,000 Dentists, 19,000 Pharmacists and many paramedical specialists are working in Iran.
In some fields, Iran has achieved brilliant world ranks, for example, Iran is within 5 top countries in the field of Stem Cell researches, the 2nd country regarding Bone Marrow Transplantation and it is within the first 10 countries regarding Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and Infertility treatments in the world.
Presently, Iran ranks first in the Middle East and also in the Islamic world both in terms of the number of published papers and also number of paper citations in Scopus or ISI.
As part of this trend of growth in Iran, radiology science has had many achievements in Iran.
Many international events and gatherings held across the country every year, helps experts and specialists update their knowledge and share views with their colleagues from world countries.
The 35th Iranian Radiology Congress kicked off in Tehran, on April 23 and will continiue to April 26 at Milad Tower Conference Hall in northwest of Tehran.
25 prominent specialists from the US, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal and Turkey attended the event.
This conference will introduce and examine the world’s most advanced imaging techniques in the field of radiology and help Iranian experts keep abreast of the latest technology in the field.
This year the focus is on imaging techniques for the GI Tract — the human gastrointestinal tract, responsible for transporting and digesting food, absorbing nutrients, and expelling waste.
*** Senior Consultant radiologist: Iran's achievements in medical sciences is remarkable
'We are delighted to be here to meet our friends in the Iranian Radiology Society, we have been very impressed by the standard of the program, when I see the advances of Iran in medicine science especially in Radiology, I really appreciate it', said a Senior Consultant Radiologist and General secretary Oman Radiology and Molecular Imaging Society in an interview with IRNA.
Noting that 'Iran and Oman are neighbors and friends, we have great history togother', Dr. Sagrah. Altai-FRCR added: Radiology, medicine and other fields of study are the cooperation fields that the Medical specialists in the both countries can do to promote the bilateral cooperation.
*** Iran and other countries can exchange their experiences
We see a lot of promotion in Iran in medicine and radiology and Medicine Specialists can extend their cooperation with their counterparts in other countries and exchange their experiences, said 'Timothy Beale' who is a Consultant Radiologist in the University College London Hospital, UK.
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