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Iran wins world Zurkhaneh sports team championship

The team category of the competition began on Monday with the presence of six teams from Iran, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Uganda.

Technical director of the competition Elyas Amirabadi said that the Iranian team claimed the first place with 701 scores and Iraq, Azerbaijan and Afghanistan took the following places with 484, 470 and 373 points, respectively.

The 3rd Zurkhaneh Sports and Koshti Pahlavani World Cup kicked off today with the participation of 100 athletes from 22 countries in Bojnourd in North Khorasan Province of Iran.

Participating countries include Iran, Poland, Estonia, Turkey, Cyprus, Hungary, South Korea, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Cameron.

Koshti Pahlavani (heroic wrestling) is a type of Iranian wrestling dating back to ancient times which is practiced in the Zurkhaneh (house of power).


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