Home / Culture / Iran, Turkey presidents call for reopening air, land borders

Iran, Turkey presidents call for reopening air, land borders

Referring to the problems that coronavirus outbreak has brought about for the economy of the world, the two presidents stressed that the borders of Iran and Turkey should reopen to resume trade.

They hoped that with formation of the joint economic commission in the near future, after containment of the pandemic new movements will take place in the economic ties of Iran and Turkey by implementation of previous agreements.

Referring to the good cooperation between the two countries in different time periods, they stressed the necessity of cooperation in fighting the potentially fatal coronavirus.

President Rouhani said that the two countries have already set records for economic cooperation, adding that it is necessary in the present condition that the borders get open again to resume trade.

Erdoğan pointed out that the cooperation between the two countries about coronavirus outbreak can be very useful.

He added that he would issue the necessary orders to open the borders and go ahead with trade with Iran.


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