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Iran, trailblazer for Muslim world in health sector:  Pakistan advisor

In an interview with IRNA on Saturday Dr. Sania Nishtar said achievements of Iran in health sector are not less than the developed countries and "we are ready to learn from them".

“Iran is a neighboring country that we deeply revel, the two countries have had a very close relationship for a very long time and we cooperate very closely on multilateral forums, we cooperate closely bilaterally and specifically in terms of technical exchange,” she noted.

The official viewed in the health sector Iran is really a trailblazer for the Muslim world in terms of what it has achieved in many areas including reproductive health.

“Their health indicators are second to none even in comparison to the developed countries, the manner in which they have leverage the strength of their academic institutions, universities to improve performance in the health sector is really something that we can learn from them,” said Dr. Nishtar.

The advisor welcomed the Iranian delegation led by Deputy Health Minister for Medical Education Bagher Larijani to Pakistan. “Our ministry of health can really capitalize on sharing of experiences and learning from the Iranian experience,” said the minister.

Dr. Sania Nishtar went on to say that Iran has a number of policies aimed at empowering women and Pakistan is also pursuing this agenda through different avenues and Benazir Income Support Program is one of them under which we cater the poor women.

“We give them cash and opportunities of employment and empower them through entrepreneurial activities but the broader program of ‘Ehsas’ which is a signature program of our government has many empowering features for the women,” said the advisor.

She added the government has decided to give seventy million women bank accounts and any benefit the government gives whether it is scholarship, whether it is loan, there has to be fifty percent participation of the women including the owner ship of homes. 

She said that domestic women workers as a policy will be given bank accounts and now the status of the work of the rural women is officially being recognized.

“So this is a very important and exciting time with regards to the empowerment of women and mainstreaming their role into the economy,” added Dr. Sania Nishtar.

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