Referring to the importance and necessity of keeping Qods International Day alive, President Rouhani said, "While this day is important in condemning the occupying regime and supporting the oppressed people of Palestine, observing health protocols are also essential”.
Speaking in a meeting of the specialized committees of the National Task Force for Fighting Coronavirus, Rouhani described the role of the media more and more serious in this regard and stated, "We must take steps to condemn the occupying Zionist Regime and support the oppressed people of Palestine by using various and more effective methods than in previous years."
He also referred to the report of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education and the National Task Force for Fighting Coronavirus, appreciating the good and sincere cooperation of people in observing all health protocols, saying, "The supervisory groups, including mosque and Basij officials, helped a lot by guiding the people and following these instructions.”
The President added, "I have repeatedly emphasized that the cohesion and unity of officials at various levels and across the country and the good support of the people, has been one of the most important factors in the success of managing and controlling the deadly coronavirus and should be appreciated."
Referring to the differences between the officials of some developed countries, which have always been known as a management model, Rouhani said, "In some countries, the authorities are puzzled and a bipolar atmosphere has appeared in these countries”, which has made it difficult to manage coronavirus outbreak.
He said that the people must be given precise information, one of whose ways is the website of the Ministry of Health and the media.
He added that it is necessary for the people to receive information about the symptoms of this disease and the various cases of the patients and how to deal with this virus in different stages and to provide the necessary information to the people.
Touching the issue of Eid- al-Fitr, he said the conditions of holding Eid al-Fitr prayers were discussed in the security and social committees.
Referring to the reopening of the holy shrines, President Rouhani said that the issue had been discussed in the Security and Social Committee in recent weeks.
He added, "What is important is that the reopening should be done in accordance with smart social distancing protocols, and if this issue is neglected, it will definitely lead to the return and spread of the disease again, and we will have to re-impose restrictions.”
He hoped that the conditions will be in a way that other businesses and centers such as stadiums and cultural centers can be reopened.
The head of Iran's Health Ministry's Public Relations Office said on Thursday that some 71 Iranians died from coronavirus over the past 24 hours bringing the total deaths to 6,854.
Kianoush Jahanpour said that a total of 114,533 coronavirus infection cases been discovered in Iran, 6,854 of whom have lost their lives.
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