"Dear Americans: If we don't fight the Coronavirus globally it will reappear globally, again and again and again," Head of the Center for Strategic Studies of President Office Hesameddin Ashena wrote in his Twitter account.
He added: "Trump’s economic sanctions equal further spread of the virus in Iran which equals further spread of the virus in the US! Help us help you."
Earlier, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in an Arabic Twitter message stressed the importance of maintaining solidarity to fight coronavirus and slammed Trump's exploitation of the pandemic for electoral campaigns.
"We have not witnessed throughout this history such heinous employment of a humanitarian catastrophe for revenge and spread hatred and electoral exploitation as the current American president and his team do," he added.
“In order for the world efforts to yield fruit and in order for the world to return to [normal] life, we have to believe that all the planet Earth is a battlefield and in wherever part of the world we are defeated, the entire world will be defeated,” Zarif said.
Iran’s health system, citizens and the governments are grappling with COVID-19 as those in Europe and the US, but what doubles the suffering of the Iranians and limits their choices for crisis management is the coincidence of sanctions and the disease, he noted.
Iran is the only country that cannot easily buy its required supplies in the fight against the virus, Iran's top diplomat reiterated.
He said that the sanctions should not be allowed to lead to a “criminal war” anymore.
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