After a meeting with Minister of Home Affairs of Singapore K.Shanmugam on the fringes of 61st Summit of UN Drugs Commission on Wednesday, he criticized politicization of international aid to countries that are forerunners in anti-drug campaign, noting that UN and UNODC should help countries in their fight against illicit drugs.
Such assistance can be in various forms such as provision of equipment such as sniffer dogs and X-ray apparatuses and intelligence help, he said, noting that Iran was deprived of the equipment due to sanctions in pre-JCPOA era.
This was unjustifiable because this is an international issue and non-cooperation will harm all countries, he said.
Based on its humanitarian and religious duties, Iran has always acted actively in fighting drugs, he said.
Rejecting biased, selective and politically-motivated approach to anti-drug fight and helping affected states, Rahmani-Fazli said that it is a humanitarian issue and all should respect humans’ identity.
In his meeting with Shanmugam on Wednesday, he underlined joint cooperation in the field of fighting drug trafficking.
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