Addressing a meeting of the United Nations Security Council on "The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question", he added that Martyr Soleimani’s demise was a big gift from America to the ISIS and other regional terrorist groups.
The assassination clearly invalidated the US claim that it is fighting terrorism. It is, in fact, fighting those who combat terrorists, he said.
Full text of his remarks reads as follows:
"In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
Mr. President,
Once again, we are here to debate on the world’s longest crisis: the question of Palestine.
On the early days of the year 2020, the United Nations’ 75th anniversary, it is very timely to ask that why this Council is unable to end decades long occupation of Palestine, to protect the very basic rights of millions of oppressed Palestinians at home and abroad, and to confront an occupying regime that has committed all four core international crimes, not once but several times.
The answer is clear. The United States, through violation of the peremptory norms and basic principles of international law, disregarding all standards of international conduct, and crossing all principles of humanity and morality, as well as by abusing its status as the Council’s permanent member, continues to completely, systematically and unreservedly shield the Israeli regime.
One example is the use of veto for 44 times to protect Israel, further emboldening this regime to commit more crimes with more brutality with total impunity.
However, the US has been engaged in other destabilizing activities in our region. In pursuit of its intrinsic animosity towards Muslim nations particularly in the Middle East, the US still continues military adventurism in our region, the latest of which is the recent horrific assassination of Martyr Qasem Soleimani and his companions at Baghdad’s International Airport.
The assassination was a clear manifestation of State terrorism, constituting a gross violation of international law’s fundamental principles and entailing the international responsibility of the United States.
We categorically reject all US fabrications to justify this heinous crime, including by resorting to sham claims that Soleimani was planning to target American interests in the region.
The US is well aware that, in addition to his decisive role in fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria, Soleimani was also a highly influential and respected politician too, working hard towards stability in the region.
With no doubt, this extremely provocative move was a preplanned plot aimed at escalating tensions in our region.
The assassination clearly invalidated the US claim that it is fighting terrorism. It is, in fact, fighting those who combat terrorists. Martyr Soleimani’s demise was a big gift from America to ISIS and other regional terrorist groups.
Rallies and crowds in the region commemorating Martyr Soleimani’s role in fighting terrorism and denouncing his assassination as well as the participation of millions only in our capital in his funeral procession--the second largest in the history of our nation and the entire region--exhibited how beloved he was nationally and regionally.
If anything, the US adventurism testified one fact: after this cowardly assassination, the region is less secure and less stable. Consequently, the most effective way to ensure regional peace and security is the withdrawal of US forces from the region, as they have always been the source of instability in our neighborhood.
The Council needs to address its deepening trust deficit and diminishing legitimacy and credibility emanating including from its inaction in clear cases of violation of international law such as its silence about the assassination of Martyr Soleimani. In order to correct its past mistakes in the Middle East, the Council must uphold its responsibility by preventing all unlawful US and Israeli policies against the entire region.
The Council must remain vigilant about the deceitful nature of the Israeli regime and does not allow it to abuse the Council’s open debates to play victim aimed at distracting attentions from its oppressive policies in our region.
This is exactly what the representative of this regime did yesterday when, instead of explaining why it continues to flout international law and its inhumane practices in the occupied territories, attempted to accuse my country through a series of lies and fabrications, which I reject them completely and do not want to dignify them with an answer.
It was not also accidental that in a coordinated move, the US representative also did somehow the same and kept completely silent on the topic of the meeting which is the question of Palestine and instead ventured to give a rosy picture of Israel justifying its illegal practices while orchestrating a disinformation campaign against my country which is totally repudiated.
I thank you, Mr. President."
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